i was going to say to hell with this blog because i thought, "no one is reading it so why bother". but then i missed it and i decided that i would keep it for myself. if you are reading this, yay! and if not, oh well.
for our tennis match today beth decided that we would all make different salads (i.e. pasta, potato, egg, chicken, spinach) and i got assigned deviled eggs. i had never made them before but i did it! and i got compliments! yay me :) we ate them over at caryn's after the tennis matched got called for rain. for the past 2 seasons we have had to deal with weather which is so annoying because rescheduling sucks.
i have been busy! i went to idaho for meredith and zac's wedding. i love them.
i went from there to my parents house for the week. it was awesome to be home.
i will always think of southern california as home. the spring air smelled like my childhood and i got a chance to go back in time and reconnect with myself.
then i worked the natural products expo west. i had a great time with my co-workers but it was exhausting. Capital E.
now i am back with the husband that i adore and the dogs who i both love and loathe and i couldn't be happier. okay, i would be happier if it were 75 degrees outside but we can't always get what we want :)
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