one woman's journey through domestication

Sunday, November 14, 2010

bad blogger, bad

okay, i am back. and something has GOT to be done about this house. it looks nearly the same as it did when i first started visiting my husband here and it just can't go on. maybe my motivation will inspire hubby to get out in the backyard at some point and clean it up.

anyhow, here is what i like:

at first it kind of lacks any kind of cohesion but i learned something recently. there is no right, there is no wrong, there only IS. there are elements in each of these that i like. the trouble will be with fusing them to fit our home but i am confident i will end up with exactly what i want. beginning with the bathroom downstairs that i started and never finished this summer. i WILL finish it this week and next weekend!!! i WILL, i tell you! i will even post pictures to show you.

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