i have been pretty busy! wait, no i haven't. i just had 1 baby shower and meredith came to town (of which i have no photos) and worked. not even traveled, by the way. just worked locally.
anyhow, here are scenes from chrissy's shower:

the hand sanitizer favors i ordered. chrissy does not care much for germs.

i did the cake. it is hummingbird cake and it was a little bitch to bake. i suck at making frosting - it tasted amazing but melted right off the cake! same with the cupcakes. i also did the veggie tray and forgot the celery and tomatoes. i am a wreck.
this was supposed to be the Bakerella pudding cups but i got tired and never finished them. i would insert a link to Bakerella but i don't know how.
mmmm. red velvet. cute cupcake cups are a waste when working with this medium.
bloody mess!
so then i went out to my car this morning to grab the shampoo i bought and forgot about until i was about to step in to the shower and saw this guy:
doesn't his neck look like a little periscope poking out of it's shell? maybe i should name him "red october"...his shell does have red on it.
i am so in love with this turtle that lives in our yard. he does not, sadly, love me.
different kind of awww:
cayenne is salavating. she would absolutely munch that poor guy up. side note: look at that white face. when did my baby get so old???
more scenes from my yard. i am totally in love with all of this right now.
do you know what those yellow flowers mean? tomatoes are coming soon!
my prized hydrangeas!!! except they've never gotten a prize and i don't grow them, B does.
but aren't they beautiful?!?!
my cactus that reminds me of home. hearty thing, too. i hardly give it a thought and it just keeps on living. thanks for that, cactus. kind of reminds me of me when i first moved here. i'll have to write a post about that time in life.
ACKKKKKK. humidity is a real bitch. look at that mess.
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