but i thought that i would get back on here and not give up. so, here i am.
lately i have definitely waivered between my footloose and fancy free self and my responsible self. it is summer so i think there has been a lot more fun and a lot less cooking, cleaning, sewing or gardening.
just this weekend i have gotten back in to sewing and actually finished my friend's wedding gift blanket. guess who is lame and forgot to sew the monogram on before she sewed the blanket together? so you can see the stitches on the back. guess who doesn't care? my husband told me that handmade is always appreciated. p.s. i also got her 2 items off of her registry so i don't suck too much.

it is wool felt for the body of the blanket and different cotton prints that i ordered off of various websites. all of the prints reminded me of her wedding and i ordered samples of dozens of prints before i got these that all worked together. so, there ya go. it only took me...3? 4? months to complete. yay me!
i actually have been cooking dinner, though it doesn't feel like it because we have eaten out 5 of our last 6 meals. in the past 2 weeks we have had...damn! i can't even remember anything but the pork chops. but obviously i am doing something right...billy has gained 10 lbs.! on the downside, i did. damn. back to being disciplined tomorrow.
on the other hand, there was the 4th of july, girls night with nicole and mer, and maybe a few hungover sunday mornings due to consumption and competitive dominoes tournaments with billy on saturday night but...what cha gonna do?!?